Packaging Story —— Just focus on design

Packaging Story —— Just focus on design

How do we understand packaging?

When I see the market full of the same product packaging, I often ask myself, Does packaging only need to protect the product and provide convenient transportation?

But the answer to my heart tells me no. It took us a year to mass-produce and sample again and again. Opening CurBot is a very "ritualistic" and remarkable thing. Packaging is like a person's first impression, a good product without good packaging. You lose your soul. We understand the packaging, and to see the product's appearance, more is to convey the OTER character and values.


How do we want CurBot packaged?

CurBot doesn't just control the curtains. It contains the impact of sunlight on us. We should recognize the sunshine again and face up to the fact that we can improve the quality of life through sunshine.

We want users to receive CurBot in a way that differentiates them from other brands. It's a combination of technology and life. What we want to convey is a sense of surprise and ceremony.


Design process:

First packing:

When we started planning packaging in July 2020, our idea was simple: 3 pairs of hooks and a CurBot.

So we received the first package design: and we are delighted. The package is simple and small, so we contacted the supplier to start the sample.

As soon as we received the samples, we sent them to different users. The feedback we received:

The package is perfect, suitable for a small gift box

  • Well packaged, but the foam inside is not environmentally friendly.
  • The device is excellent, but where is the remote? (Lost)
  • The surface color of the package is somewhat distorted (color difference)

We guessed that it was the supplier's printing equipment and the materials used, so we asked another supplier for a sample and received it.

The color of the new package is a little red, or there is a color difference;

The built-in foam has a strong flavor and is not environmentally friendly.

So we overturned all the designs in the first edition.

Section 2 Packing:

In December 2021, we redesigned the packaging.

We first communicated with the designer about the equipment and all the accessories (hooks, remote controls, gateways), and they offered us new packaging solutions based on them.

1. Too popular to reflect the uniqueness of OTER;

2. Too complex, with a poor overall impression;

3. If the gateway is not unified with the product, the customer will receive fragmented packages;

So we overturned our second package design.


Final packing:

February 2022, we repeatedly confirmed the layout of products;

Finally, we selected the most suitable one from 3 different internal layout schemes. We designed a three-layer structure in the overall packaging structure to protect the products and facilitate transportation.


The iterative process of the three packages:

We also sent it to users, and we received feedback:

How exquisite! Too much weight!

How beautiful it is! Sensory value for money!

I want to give him to my friend as a birthday present. It's so cool!

I see the interior is full of details, and I'm amazed at how much effort you spent on the packaging!

I left the package for display because it looks so good!

We're sure. That's it!

Until July 2022, we received the first packages for trial production.

 At the same time, all our packaging is based on the values of health and green, and all are made of recyclable materials.

Looking forward to your photo sharing~


Reading next

CurBot's debut in 2021 —— Kickstarter | OTER Group | Curbot | Curtain Robot
Creating the Perfect Sleep Area with CurBot Automatic Curtain Opener

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